Coach Info
I am the State Manager for Tiny Tots Tennis WA and am the Head Coach at our Bayswater venue. I also coordinate the Bayswater Tennis Club Junior Pennants and Court Hire.
I become involved in tennis in my teenage years, whilst studying for my Bachelor of Business at Edith Cowan University commenced coaching tennis with the aspirations of one day owning my own business.
I live in the City of Bayswater with my wife and two boys.
I feel very fortunate to be able to combine my work and passion for the sport through coaching, into my everyday life. I coach Tiny Tots from 3+, Mega Tennis from 10+ and Group and Individual Private Lessons.
Our Tiny Tots and Mega Tennis program is designed to teach children the fundamentals of tennis through educational movement and sporting activities.
All my coaches are required to obtain a working with children license, first aid certificate along with complete a 2 week intense coaching program with myself prior to conducting lessons at our venue.
Contact Details
Name: Anthony Harbrow
Head Office: 9471 8491
Mobile: 0400 643 355
Mailing List
Want to stay up to date with enrolment information and receive our seasonal newsletters? Then email your name and suburb to and I will add you to our mailing list.
Bayswater Tennis Club
Corner of Garrat Road and Murray Street
Bayswater 6053
Kalamunda Tennis Club
22 Railway Road
Kalamunda 6076
- Chq (Chq payable to Tiny Tots Tennis) Po Box 180 Bayswater 6933
- Cash (Please have correct change and payment slip together in a sealed envelope)
- Online/Direct Debit (BSB: 036033 A/C No: 169632 )
(If paying online please put your child's name, venue and day of lesson as the reference e.g. William Saunders, Saturday, Bayswater).